Lisa Bu: How books can open your mind

How books can open your mind

As the world of technology takes over our lives, at times we need to and think about what truly inspires us. Reading a book provides us with many opportunities to learn. Lis Bu talks about her hopes and dreams and changing them when they don’t look like coming true.

Why do we read books?

How do books help us reach our goals?

What books do you like to read?

  One thought on “Lisa Bu: How books can open your mind

  1. June 5, 2013 at 1:15 am

    Reblogged this on 56cclassroomblog and commented:
    Today we are going to use this text to begin our work on SQ3Rs

  2. Ashton
    June 5, 2013 at 10:28 am

    We read books beacase it gives a lifes educaion to give people to have something to read to learn things or just read beacsue they want to read! People also read also read because it helps people very much to write and obviously read so people can talk and write when they are older! So in my opinion I think doing this all as a kid isVERY inportant. Books help us reach our goals because books arn’t just for reading, they are also for helping people with things like with projects if they need inpotant imformation! That would be there goal to finish because if they needed to find it it would he a goal to achivev. I like to read non fiction because I love to find out about new things that I have never herd about about.

  3. June 7, 2013 at 12:29 pm

    I love how the girl has a passion for her books. I can feel the way she felt when the adults around her didn’t understand what her ambition was because of how she described her sentences. She seems delightful now that she relays on books to find out mysteries and histories of the past and present. Her smile is big and cheerful!:)
    We read books for information/education to learn new things that we didn’t know or find more information about a topic. We can also read books to find out about a fictional characters personal view or an event that happened to a fictional character.
    Books help us reach our goals by education. Say if your goal; was to be an advanced scientist, you would need to search science experiments and find out why things happen and what made them happen. Therefore, you could read an explanation. As much as you could research on the internet, many websites are false and edited by irresponsible people that trick others into wrong information which can cause bad results on a test and therefore might not get past the topic. So using books is more reliable than a website.
    I like to read mainly fictional stories because I like to see adventures and wild imaginations far beyond extreme to see what its like to be in that persons view. But often in my non-fictions I would read ghost stories or strange happening with detectives because I want to find out what happened in the end and what happenings did happen and what the person there reacted like.

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