‘Water and the Global World’ Reflections

Reflect on your learning

Over the past nine weeks the Water and Global World Team have been working hard to explore the water crisis. Students please provide a detailed reflection of your learning journey.

* Explain 3 new things you have learnt.

* What you have found the most rewarding about our Inquiry Topic.

* Something you would like to continue learning about ‘Water and the Global World’.

Remember that people from around the world will read your reflection so make sure you explain all aspects that you are talking about.

water Water and the Global World_AutoCollage_11_Images water1 water2

  One thought on “‘Water and the Global World’ Reflections

  1. Jaymes
    June 26, 2013 at 2:24 am

    What I liked about this inquiry is doing the experiment, because it was exciting to see if it’d work or not. Another thing was that the learning because it helps me with my education but not only that but it was fun and we were learning at the same time. For example walking around the school holding about 5 kilos of water, but that was a bit painful. To have the chance to connect and knowing of how it feels had impact on my learning in how DEVASTATING it is for others that have to drink dirty, polluted water.
    What I didn’t like was really nothing, it was all fun and exciting and I’d love to do it again. What I’ve learnt throughout this is things like all sorts of water related illness, water crisis around the world and things like that.
    I hope you guys have enjoyed reading my reflection.

    • Jaymes
      June 26, 2013 at 2:49 am

      Also the experiment was about getting pollution out of water so it’s clean and fresh.

  2. Ashton
    June 26, 2013 at 2:27 am

    The 3 things I have learnt all through water and the global world is that it is actually possible to get pollution out of water so it is nice and safe for people to drink! I also learnt that people can’t just die all because of alligies! They can also die because of water related dieases and pollution from those power stations and paper mills! The only way people can get water in Uganda is to carry buckets for miles and miles then they have to carry even more heavy things because they have to bring water with them so they have have plenty of water for their villages to drink! I think that it was most rewarding when we manger to get all of the materials for Jaymes and I’s experiment and made the pollution get out of the water so what safe to drink! I was proud that we got do to do it before the presentation! For a while I didn’t think we were going to get it but we actually did all because of Mr Dennision bringing in some Allum for our last material! I would like to keep on learning about how it would be possible to save the water cycle for every country I know and don’t know! I want to learn about this more because as i went through with this process I started to understand that it is possible to do this and it turned out it did! So the most I learnt wad to go with your ingstinks!

    • Ashton
      June 26, 2013 at 2:52 am

      You see with our experiment we are trying to get pollution out of water, and we have been successful to do it! The thing I am trying to say is that me and my partner have thought that we have fixed the problem with water related diseases! This why ip loved water and the global world so much because it has helped with us to do this! I hope you understand and you guys are going to be very lucky people because we think we have fixed this madness! I hope you are happy also Mrs joseline!

  3. Ben
    June 26, 2013 at 2:56 am

    I think inquiry this term was fantastic! We have done our video, Mr Filo is going to finish our water pump for us! Mrs Joyce will upload our video to youtube and it is already on our blog and our expo should be fantastic. We have both worked really hard on our video! and Pump!
    The only thing I didn’t like was that we didn’t know who the teacher would be 😦

  4. Jake M
    June 26, 2013 at 2:56 am

    The three thing I learned in this inquiry was. People drink water, that has animal poo in it. Second, people in Africa have to walk long walks, just to collect water. Finally, no matter if you have a partner, you still can make a masterpiece, I learned this because I had to work solo, since I couldn’t cooperate with my partner.
    I felt proud about work all through, the water project by myself because, I have never done a huge project like this, by myself.
    The thing I would like to continue in the water and the global world is, knowing more about how people are doing their best to help Africa and their water crisis because, it is always respectful to help out another in a massive crisis, like the water crisis.

  5. Bonnie A
    June 26, 2013 at 3:10 am

    Over the past nine weeks I have learnt alot, I have learnt about the water crisis in other countries, and it is really sad knowing that they dont have access to clean water, it is also sad because they dont have the right sanitations like toilets and sinks to was clothes in. One thing I was really proud of was that popel are actually doing something about the situations and caring for them. I think the most rewarding thing about doing my topic is being able to do the experiments that are included through learning. aswell as acting out the way they would act when they dont have water, for example walking around the whole school with buckets of water. Logan and I were doing and experiment on filtering water, and it was really fun to see the results. I would like to learn more about how people without water would survive. I would like to see some of the countries that have no access to water, soon have access to avalible healthy water.

  6. Anneliese
    June 26, 2013 at 9:05 am

    3 things I have discovered/learnt;
    Using new web tools, to help express my learning and understanding in many different ways. The tools I used were – Wix, Glogster, Windows Live Movie Maker and your classroom blog.
    I also learnt there’s many more ways to show my learning that simple things! Everything is all 21st century.
    I have also learnt that water affects millions of peoples live throughout the world. I took water for granted not knowing the impact it makes to lives. We class water as an everyday essential, not knowing they’re children/families out there begging for that. I now know how I could make a difference and how us, as public need to take a stand and face what’s happening in reality right beneath our very eyes.
    I also became alot closer with many people in this group. It made my learning alot more comfortable and beneficial having amazing work-mates! We bounced off ideas from each other, eventually creating our own work pieces which will be the most amazing thing to present at our expo. I would like to thank Ben for his amazing contribution towards each and every class member helping out alot along the way!

    Something I found most rewarding was the knowledge I know get to carry around with me. When I go to have a shower, I won’t just take it for granted. When I brush my teeth, I won’t just waste the water. Now realising just how much water is precious does change the way you do simple everyday things
    Also, hearing the stories from many different children, especially Ms Joseline! I absolutely loved hearing about what she does and how she impacts the children’s lives in her village! She is a true inspiration! I congratulate her and I wish her the very best in the future!

    I would love to keep in contact with Ms Joseline and any other people you come across Mrs Joyce. Having the opportunity is something I am extremely grateful from and I personally would to thank you!
    Thank you Mrs Joyce, for teaching us kids the most best inquiry topic ever! I appreciate every minute you spent with us, helping us see the true reality that’s happening! It was an astonishing thing to discover and I would love to be in your room and to experience this again!

  7. rennaem
    June 27, 2013 at 12:18 am

    3 things I have learnt

    The first thing I have leant is that water effects your whole life and it can effect everyone.
    Another thing I have learnt is how the water travels though so it can come through the pump.
    The last thing that I learnt is that smother loses a child every 21 seconds which imagine the pain of losing a child.

    What I have found the most rewarding is……

    The best thing I have found rewarding is working with a real life women Mrs Joseline who is dealing with a water crisis. Mrs Joseline has been so inspirational to me I would love to meet her in person. Mrs Joseline helps children by giving them a home education and foods to eat.

    I would like to continue learning about all of the different types of water deises and how they can effect people’s life’s. it will give us an understanding on how it changes someone’s life as well as the people around them.

  8. Stephanie H
    June 27, 2013 at 6:23 am

    I have learnt that if you think deeper you can understand the task that was put in front of you to do.
    I have learnt that all the things children die from are all from a water related illness.
    I have learnt more about the computer on all the program’s and what they can do on the computer.
    I found it most rewarding that we got work with Mrs Loserline and her school kids.
    I would love to learn more about how we can help other countries get healthy water.

  9. Jay
    June 27, 2013 at 8:43 am

    The three interesting things I’ve learned would be that there a more mobile phones then toilets in the world, women walk 300,000,000 hours all together just to collect water in one year and a child dies every 21 seconds.

    The rewarding thing about this topic is actually having a chance to learn lots about such an interesting topic, and I didn’t know any of these things before I went in this special inquiry grade!

    I would love to keep continuing learning why people don’t build enough pumps in small villages because it only takes $20 for one person to have access to clean water, so why can’t anyone from other countries help?

  10. Ernie
    June 27, 2013 at 9:36 am

    the three things I loved in inquiry would be learning about the worlds water supplies but we don’t have enough of in the world we have about 7,000,000,000 people in the world that are going without and a lot of ladies in the dry countries have to walk 3-4 hours a day, if we add that all up it will end up to be 300,000,000 hours a day.

    I learnt that people have more mobile phones than toilets and as I said there are about 7,000,000,000 people in the world WOW!!!!

    I have so much things I loved about inquiry, I got to be in a team/group with jay and I got to learn a little bit more about jay “(he is really creative)” ” (and smart)”. As well as everyone else.

    I loved working in Mrs Joyce’s inquiry group (water and the global world) I would like to be in her next inquiry group!!!!!!!!!! And I wish to help people in need of fresh water and I would like everyone else to!

  11. Reece
    June 27, 2013 at 11:18 pm

    I have learnt that woman walk for hours to get dirty for there village.
    Every 21 seconds a baby dies from water related illnesses.
    If you donate $20 would supply fresh water for 1 person.

    I found most rewarding about water and the global world is talking to the outside world and all the feed back my group and I was great feed back.

    I would like to learn more about water in the world and I would like to keep talking to the outside world.

  12. Brittney
    June 27, 2013 at 11:39 pm

    Over the past few weeks a I have learnt 3 parts of information.
    1: I have learnt that there are people that’s in a hard situation that situation is water people can’t get a hold on clean purafing safe water.
    2: I have also learnt that people with the unpleasant water there are most likely to die from denigration but they have no choice to drink water that is as drown as dirt and they have to drink the dirt anyway that is in the cup.
    3: MY last reflection is what I have archived the the classroom. I have archived lots of thing like my imfomation report which in my opinion is that it was fantastic and more.
    I can not wait until I get my next inquiry group.

  13. Tahlia
    June 28, 2013 at 12:36 am

    I have learnt that if you think deeper you can understand the task you were told to do.
    I have learnt that most things that children get sick from are water related illnesses.
    I have learnt how to make glogsters,videos and a wix also get them to be on the web pages of the Internet.

    I found it most rewarding that we got to commuicate with ms joseline because I liked how she was giving feed back to our video
    I would love to learn more about our how can we help other countries to get healthy water.

  14. Logan
    June 28, 2013 at 2:36 am

    Ten things I have learnt.
    1. I have learned that 97% of the water in the world is salt water.
    2. I have learnt that 2% of water in the world is ice.
    3. I have learned that 1% of the worlds water is freashwater that we can drink.
    4. I have learned that 440 million school days are lost due to water related Illnesses.
    5. I have learnt that women spend over 200 million hours a day collecting water that could kill them.
    6. I have learnt that over 1 billion are affected by dirty water.
    7. I have learnt that over half the worlds hospital beds are filled with water illnesses.
    8. I have learnt that more people have a mobile than a toilet.
    9. I have learnt that every 21 seconds child dies from dirty water
    10. I have learnt that we save over 1600 children a day.
    I have enjoyed this terms inquiry tremendously, I want to be in your inquiry group again Mrs Joyce.

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